Google Analytics: Hogyan használják az önkiszolgáló portált?

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A TOPdesk önkiszolgáló portál (Self-service Portal – SSP) tudásbázis, ügyfélportál és szolgáltatáskatalógus egyben. Ez egy olyan hely, ahol ügyfelei gyorsan megtalálják, amire szükségük van, akkor, amikor szükségük van ezekre- az ön segítsége nélkül is. Az SSP által egyszerű, ismerős felületet hozhat létre ügyfelei számára az ön által nyújtott szolgáltatások alapján. És mindenekelőtt: csökkentheti az ismétlődő bejelentések számát a service desken is, így kollégáinak több idejeje maradhat a kritikus problémák megoldására.

De vajon tudja-e valójában, hogy az ön által biztosított tartalmat valóban használják-e? Hány látogatója van naponta az önkiszolgáló portálnak? Mely oldalakat nézik meg a legtöbben? Hogyan navigálnak az ügyfelei az SSP-ben? Inkább keresnek, mint navigálnak az oldalakon? Bár néhány riport képes megválaszolni az ilyen kérdéseket, észrevettük, hogy nincs olyan áttekintés, ahol az összes információt egy helyen találja. Itt jön a képbe a Google Analytics integráció, amely összekapcsolja a TOPdesket a Google elemzési lehetőségeivel.

Hogyan működik?

Google Analytics integration is basically a tracking mechanism that collects data about the user’s behavior on the self-service portal and then displays it on a nice and clear dashboard. The only requirement for this is to use the Google measurement ID associated with your Google account. Once you fill in this ID in the TOPdesk environment, you will be connected to your preferred Google account. The end users are then automatically asked whether they consent to the tracking of their activity by the cookie banner, as well as to the acceptance of the data protection guidelines. Based on the results, you can create reports to visualize the collected data. The reports on the dashboard can, for example, talk about page views or the engagement time of pages and navigation. You can find examples by scrolling down.

Adatvédelmi irányelvek

Collecting data about end users is a big deal. It’s a good idea to let them know why you’re collecting their data and how you’re using it. According to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations), any website that collects visitor data and uses cookies must obtain the visitor’s express consent before tracking behavior. Although the solution does not store names and locations, it does store IP addresses. Therefore, it is mandatory to ask for consent and, more importantly, to explain what we will do with end-user data. Since the data is stored on Google’s servers, we recommend that you also take Google’s privacy policy into account. To inform end users of the privacy policy, the Google Analytics integration provides a cookie banner through which end users are informed about how they will use their data. In TOPdesk, your privacy policy is a knowledge element that you can easily create through the integration settings and will appear in the cookie banner. Want to learn more about how to write a good privacy policy? Various websites offer a privacy policy generator to help you create one. Here are some tips to make your own privacy policy more effective:

For the correct information, incorporate the Google Analytics policy into your own policies.
Use rich text formatting to highlight important sections and ensure a clear and understandable structure.
Use your own logo in the banner to make it more personal.
If you change anything in your privacy policy, the cookie consent must also be reset so that visitors accept the new privacy policy. You can do this using the reset button in the settings. Note that this requires restarting the TOPdesk environment.

Cookie hozzájárulási banner

Once the connection and privacy policies are set up well, you can activate the feature. What happens next? When logging in, users of the self-service portal are alerted by a cookie consent banner asking for permission to begin analyzing their activity. Each user can choose to accept or decline this. If the user allows the analysis of his activity, TOPdesk starts collecting and synchronizing the data with the Google account. If end users change their mind, they have the option to change their decision in the user settings.

A dashboard

After end users allow their activity to be analyzed and spend some time in the SSP, it’s time to start actually analyzing end user activity. Here you can learn how SSP is used and how it can improve the end-user experience. You can learn about your portal over time by feeding data into various Google Analytics reports. To give you a taste of how you can gain insight into your portal’s performance, here are some examples:

Unique Users
Find out how many unique visitors you have and how often they return. The New Users and Returning Users report gives you an idea of ​​the size of your audience you’re actually reaching, along with data on durations.

The essential information required for analysis is contained in pageviews. It shows which specific page or content is visited most often. Almost all separate pages in TOPdesk: the home page, forms, Knowledge Elements, services, sub-pages, and even the loading screen can be considered as separate pages.

Based on average engagement times, you can see how much time your customers spend on these pages. There is also a time element that tells you when a page was visited. Here, for certain pages, you can see spikes that can be linked to an event. Maybe your end users will be visiting the password reset page a lot after the summer holidays?

Route Discovery and Navigation Process
Our last example deals with route discovery and the navigation process. This report is about journeys made by end users. Did the user open a page via a direct link from an email? Then the home page is probably not the home page. What are the first pages users open after logging in? Do users find what they are looking for directly or do they have to search again?â

Elérhetőség és beállítás

Now that you have learned about the possibilities inherent in the integration, it is time to set it up! Google Analytics integration is available in TOPdesk SaaS version 11.08.016 or later and can be activated by SaaS key contacts via the activation form in My TOPdesk. For Virtual Appliance 2021 Release 4, you can use the feature after activating a feature flag. Feature flags are used to enable or disable certain new features of TOPdesk. By activating the Google Analytics feature flag, the settings page will appear. For a more detailed explanation of how to enable the feature flag, and an extended step-by-step guide to setting up the feature, see Knowledge Item KI 11726 on the My TOPdesk website.

Most már csak önön múlik

You learned what Google Analytics can mean for your self-service portal, why a solid privacy policy is essential for data collection, and how you can start turning that data into action. Now you can finally test your self-service portal and analyze its performance. Did you get as many visitors as you expected? Is the most visited page really what you expected?

We’d love to hear from you about the lessons you’ve learned. Found a report that you want to share with the world? Or have you finally figured out why that one page that was never visited but is now performing really well was not being found? Share with us in a comment!