10 dolog amit talán nem tudott eddig a TOPdeskről

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Összegyűjtöttünk néhány érdekes tényt a TOPdeskről. Ebben a blogban megismerheti honnan indultunk, mit gondolunk a Playmobilról és a Legóról, és hogy miért szeretünk nemet mondani. Jó szórakozást!

1. Vezérigazgatónk programozóként kezdte pályafutását

Some CEOs are CEOs in name only. Not our Wolter Smith. He knows exactly what it’s like to work in IT service management. And no, not just from reading. Already at the age of 17, he worked as a programmer at the university for a small IT company. His friend Frank Droogsma, co-founder of TOPdesk, also worked there as a customer service operator.

In this IT enterprise, both Wolter and Frank experienced first-hand the problems that help desk operators still face today. The idea of ​​TOPdesk was born from these problems.

Read Wolter’s blog about the secret to happy customer service reps here

2. A TOPdesk első verzióját egy padláson hozták létre

As a help desk operator, Wolter saw many things that he thought could be solved more efficiently with software. Operators spent weeks on a single task, answering the same questions over and over again and failing to track important information.

So he rolled up his sleeves and started coding in a loft in Delft. Its goal? To help other companies make their services better, simpler and more reasonable.

More than 25 years later, Wolter is still a blood cube deep in his heart. Although he doesn’t code much anymore, he is still actively involved in the development of our software.

3. A TOPdesk már több, mint 25 éve létezik

When people hear the name TOPdesk, they often think that we are a young start-up company. We take that as a compliment. But we are actually quite experienced: Wolter started developing the very first version of TOPdesk in 1993, which was then launched in 1994. By 1997, TOPdesk had acquired so many new clients and employees that they had to move out of their temporary office in the attic because it was no longer big enough.

You can read more about TOPdesk’s journey here

4. 11 országban működünk

Although TOPdesk was born in the Netherlands, our customers worldwide use our software to streamline IT service delivery. In order to provide the best possible service, we need to be where our customers are.

With this in mind, we opened our first international office in Germany in 2004. This was soon followed by other countries: the United Kingdom, Belgium, Hungary, Denmark and Norway. In 2013, we opened an office in Brazil, then the USA, Canada, and in 2019 Australia joined us.

Today TOPdesk has 14 offices in 11 countries. It also means we can provide 24/5 global support, no matter where our customers are.

5. Jobban szeretjük a Playmobilt, mint a Legót

No, it’s not really about construction. Just think of service management software like Lego or Playmobil. Our software can be adapted to your wishes in the same way as Lego, or can even be standardized like Playmobil.

With Lego, you first have to figure out what you want to build and spend a lot of time finding the right parts before you can actually start building something. But when you’re ready to build, Lego lets you create exactly the building you want.

Playmobil, on the other hand, lets you start building right away. It takes a more modular approach and each piece has a specific place in the whole structure.

In that sense, we are like Playmobil. We offer a ready-made solution that is easy to implement. And although our software is standardized, it can grow with your organization’s needs. After all, standardization does not mean static. We continuously improve our software with the help of our knowledge, experience and best practices gathered over the years.

We believe that a tool is not only the solution, but the achievement of goals. So why choose Lego and spend so much time – and money – customizing your own version, when you can choose Playmobil and get better results?

“For us, building a strong partnership is more important than selling.”

6. Nem bánjuk, ha nemet kell mondanunk

Not even when it comes to potential customers. We are more interested in building a strong partnership than selling. And we find that our most successful partnerships are built with organizations that, like us, value freedom, trust and responsibility.

Part of our promise to our clients is to be honest and straightforward about what we can deliver and what you can achieve – even if that means occasionally saying no to companies that aren’t the best fit for us.

Find out how to find the right ITSM partner here.

7. Egy egyszerű hibajegykezelő eszközt kínálunk

But we’ve come a long way since then. We may have evolved, but we never stopped believing in our goal: to help people do the work they love and do best.

We still have opportunities to raise incident management to the appropriate level, regardless of the level of service your company provides, or whether your organization has 20 or 2,000 customers. It doesn’t matter if you only want to modernize your IT service department, or if you want to extend the development to facility operation or even HR.

8. A Gartner Peer Insights-on 4,7 pontot kaptunk

Our customers like us. Very. But don’t blindly trust us. TOPdesk received a score of 4.7 out of 5 on Gartner Peer Insights. More than 750 customers praise our fast implementation, user-friendly interface, and the quality of our service and support.

Curious about our other results? Check them out here

9. Nem hiszünk az ITIL (vagy más keretrendszerek) szó szerinti követésében

Obviously, ITIL makes great recommendations for IT service management. But it’s a framework, not a rigid set of rules. Yet organizations often try to impose ITIL guidelines on their processes without considering how their own organization actually works – and whether ITIL will benefit them.

Ultimately, like any framework, ITIL is about adoption and adaptation. Its guidelines must be adapted to the unique requirements of your own organization. After all, no two organizations are the same, so why should their processes be the same?
You can read more about keeping frameworks flexible in this blog.

10. A munkatársaink különböztetnek meg minket

At TOPdesk, we believe that if our employees are satisfied, so are our customers. Yes – our software does the job, is incredibly easy to use and integrates seamlessly with many other tools. But it’s our people who really stand out. They are always there to support you and each other. This is what customers notice and what creates a loyal customer base.

TOPdesk may not be the only IT service management software in the world. But it is certain that we have the best professionals. And that makes the difference.