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Problem Management

Get to the root causes of your problems quickly

When incidents are sprouting up left and right, finding the root cause quickly is essential. TOPdesk’s Problem Management feature gives you a clear and simple overview of your problems and related incidents and helps you analyze and register root causes. Afterwards, you can easily add them to your known error database – and start solving!

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Problem Management in TOPdesk

Detect potential problems quickly

You want catch problems in your organization before they catch you. What better way to spot problems quickly than to use all eyes and ears in IT! The Problem Wizard lets each operator spot potential problems, link the related incidents and share them all with Problem Management for further review.

Put the geniuses to work

When an employee finds a problem, they can assign it to a team of experts for root cause analysis. These experts relate the problem to the relevant incidents, assets and changes. Need multiple disciplines for a fix? Simply split up the problem into partial problems. Once you found the root cause, transfer the problem to a known error. Your problem manager or coordinator keeps an eye on progress and can step in when needed.

Share your workarounds

TOPdesk’s Problem Management creates a known error database for the whole department to work with. When a service desk operator runs into an incident, he can check this database for the proper workaround in just a few clicks. Want to go even further? You can also publish your known error and its matching workaround in the knowledge base and make it available for the entire organization – freeing up even more time for your agents.

Prioritized input for Changes

Finding the cause of your problems is great. But you can’t solve them all at the same time. No worries! TOPdesk lets you easily pick which known errors you’d like to solve through Change Management first. The error’s impact and urgency combined with related incidents gives you a prioritized wish list for implementing changes – and helps you fix the biggest problems first.

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